Exceptional Fertility Solutions

Exceptional Fertility Solutions

Exceptional Fertility Solutions

Welcome to New Life Kazakhstan

Welcome to Surrogacy Kazakhstan, part of a global network of IVF clinics and surrogacy agencies currently operating in nine different countries throughout the world. Let’s help together make dreams come true through egg donation and surrogacy. By choosing to donate your eggs or carry a pregnancy for someone else, you are providing a life-changing gift to those struggling with infertility. As an egg donor or surrogate mother, you play a vital role in helping our customers achieve their dream of starting or expanding their family. We value and appreciate your willingness to help others in such a meaningful way. Our team of fertility experts will provide you with the best care and support throughout the process. We are committed to ensuring that you have a safe, comfortable, and rewarding experience.

Thank you for considering New Life as your partner on this journey. We look forward to working with you to make miracles happen.

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World-Renowned Reputation

Our exceptional global reputation, top-notch care, and state-of-the-art assisted reproductive technologies have made us renowned for our unwavering commitment to helping families overcome their fertility struggles. Thanks to our success stories, we’ve assisted numerous people from diverse backgrounds, countries, and walks of life in creating families.

More Than decade of Experience

For more than a decade, New Life has been serving families by helping thousands of individuals start their own families. Our commitment to delivering quality care has earned us a reputation as a reliable and dependable agency. We take pride in providing families with hope and an effective solution to overcome their fertility challenges, and our programs and services have consistently achieved high success rates.

We Always Put
You First

We understand that the road to parenthood can be daunting, especially when dealing with fertility issues. That’s why we prioritize your needs above all else. Our goal is to alleviate the emotional, mental, and financial stress typically associated with fertility treatments, so you can feel at ease, confident, and enthusiastic while we work together to make your dream of parenthood a reality.

Become a New Life surrogate mother

Being a New Life surrogate mother is an incredible journey that involves carrying a child for another individual or couple who are unable to do so themselves. As a surrogate mother, you have the unique opportunity to give the gift of life and bring immense joy to others.

As a surrogate mother, you will work closely with a fertility clinic and the intended parents to ensure that the pregnancy progresses smoothly. You will undergo a rigorous screening process to ensure that you are physically and emotionally prepared to carry a child to term. This includes medical evaluations, psychological counseling, and legal agreements. Once the screening process is complete, the fertility clinic will begin the process of in vitro fertilization (IVF) to create embryos. The embryos will be transferred to your uterus, and if successful, you will become pregnant. Throughout the pregnancy, you will work closely with the intended parents to ensure that their wishes are respected and that the pregnancy progresses smoothly.

Being a surrogate mother is a selfless act of kindness, and it is a unique opportunity to make a profound impact on someone’s life. It requires a tremendous amount of dedication, compassion, and patience, but the rewards are immeasurable. Watching the intended parents hold their new baby for the first time is an experience like no other, and knowing that you played a crucial role in creating that joy is an indescribable feeling.